Monday, November 30, 2015

Love and Loss

1. What emotions did you feel as you worked your way through these photos?

A: First I felt happiness, as the first couple of photos were rather joyful. Then I felt sadness as the story the photos told went on.

2. The photographer said this: "These photographs do not define us, but they are us." What do you think about this comment now that you have looked at the photos?

A: The photographer probably meant that, in spite of his wife's condition, it did not define who she really was.

3. Do you think you could shoot photos like this if you were in this situation?

A: Probably not, I would find it hard to keep taking photos because each one gets sadder and sadder.

4. If you could write Angelo a letter, what would you say to him?

A: I would tell him that he beautifully captured the story of his wife's battle with breast cancer. He perfectly applied the rules of photography and took stunning images. I would also tell him I loved his quote "These photographs do not define us but they are us."

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Africa and Abandoned Theme Parks

1. On your blog post your reactions to what you read and what you saw. How about 3-4 sentences.

A: He captures the animal in a state of being; not when they are doing anything but simply being. He uses a stunning sepia tone. Nick does a wonderful job of caputuring what he believes to be a vanishing natural grandeur.

2. Do a google image search for Nick Brandt, find your favorite photo and post it on your blog.


3. Describe it and tell me why its your favorite.

A: It is my favorite photo because it looks good enough to have been photoshopped.

4. What rules of photography are evident in the photos you selected, be sure to explain the rule to me?

A: The rule of thirds: the subject of the photo must be in the middle or in a corner of the phtoto, and simplicity: the background must be simple. The elephant is in the center of the image and the background is kept simple.

5. What kind of camera and lens does he use and why is this important?

A: P67 120mm soft focus. Without this lens, he wouldn't have gotten the same exposure.

6. What is his reason for taking these photos?

A:To capture what he believed was slowly vanishing.

7. What is his hope by taking these type of photos?

A: To capture Africa before the natural world is gone.

8. Find something he has to say about Africa, and post the quote on your blo

A: "I believe that being close to the animal makes a huge difference in the photographer's ability to reveal its personality."

1. Tell me which amusement park featured in the two articles that you would like to visit and take your camera along and what about that park made you want to go there. Write at least a paragraph.

A: Okpo Land, in Okpo City, Geoje Island, South Korea, because everything remains the way it was on the day of the fatal accident in 1999. The chick-shaped cart that threw the little girl to her death is still hanging from the ride. There was another death before the young girl but nothing is known about it. I would like to go there to see what has intrigued me about the remains.

2. Post one photo from that park. You may use the photos from the link, or you can google an entirely new photo. I would prefer to see a photo of the park in disrepair and not a photo of it when it was still operating.


3. Think of at least FIVE other unusual places you think would be of interest to photographers. List them.

A: an abandoned warehouse, abandoned mansion, haunted houses, abandoned schools, and abandoned churches.

4. Use google or another search engine to research ONE of your five places and see if anyone has already started documenting that place. If you find that someone has already started - post at least one photo of their work.


5. Write a paragraph about why you think that it would be fun to document that location. Tell me what interests you about that place and what kind of photos you could expect to take there.

A: It would be fun to document a haunted house just because it's supposedly haunted. Sneaking in would be fun, especially through a window. You could get an idea of how the people living there felt and why they might have suspected it to be haunted. Also, you can tell what their lives may have been like.

6. Tell me what it would take for you to go and take photos at your location. What would you need as far as equipment goes, travel plans, expenses you might encounter and what laws you would have to take into consideration to take photos at your spot.

A : I would need to bring a camera with high lighting settings. There are probably no haunted houses in my area so I would definitely need to travel, maybe even by plane.  Before I went anywhere, I would have to google haunted houses to find the one closest to me. It would probably cost at least $600 for travel expenses. It's likely that no one is guarding the house, so sneaking it would be fairly  easy.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Rules of Photography Part 2

1. Rule of thirds

2. Balancing Elements

3. Leading Lines

4. Symmetry and Patterns (repetition)

5. Viewpoint

6. Background

7. Create depth

8. Framing

9. Cropping

10. Mergers and avoiding them