Tuesday, May 24, 2016

HDR Photography Intro

1. Adjust the lighting and aperture.

2. A tripod and DSLR camera.

3. For a highly detailed image that makes it feel like you are there.

4. An almost surreal level of detail that can only be captured by HDR photos.

Car Raid

For this assignment I have interviewed my sister Gabrielle. Her car is a silver Hyundai Sonata in fairly good condition, since she just recently got it. Its exterior is mostly clean but it has some dirt on the side of the doors. The windows and tires are pretty clean  Inside the car, the side pockets have a ton of old trash and newspapers stuffed into them and there are a bunch of empty plastic cups and food containers. There is also some lip balm, vaseline and tic tacs sitting around in the cup holders. It's a new car, so for the most part its fine but sometimes the doors won't stay open and it gets frustrating.
My sister is 22 years old and works as a hostess at Kerbey Lane CafĂ©. Gabby also often goes grocery shopping and is involved in a ton of social stuff, so she drives quite frequently. She has a pretty busy schedule, which is most likely why her car looks like it hasn't been cleaned out in a little while. The outside is pretty well kept and looks like she washes it often, but the inside seems like she never gets around to organizing things. This suggests that she has enough time to drive through car wash but doesn't have enough time to put things in their proper place. Also, the empty cups and to-go boxes are probably from her workplace. She has some containers of Vaseline in the cupholders, along with some lip balm, mints, and contact solution. Gabby most likely keeps these things in her car in case she needs something and isn't at home.                      
Overall, I think my sister is the type of person who is able to keep her car good looking but doesn't quite have things organized on the interior. She has a rather crazy schedule and a lot of planning to do, so I wouldn't say she's to blame. She does have a couple of problems with her new car; the doors shut on themselves and the radio is kind of overcomplicated. However, I can see why she bought it. For starters, It was a major improvement from her original car. Also, it drives nicely and hasn't had any major issues. Her car mirrors her persona which is slightly disorganized but very well kept.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Opinions Story

I think that marijuana should be legalized. Not for getting high of course, but for medical purposes that can be extremely beneficial to people's lives. Legalizing it would make it slightly easier for people to use it incorrectly. However, I think it would be a great improvement in medicine.

Marijuana is very useful for relieving aches, pains, nausea, and even depression. A lot of states have already said that they would like to use this for people who have Cancer or Glaucoma, who suffer from nerve pain and headaches. It is already used most commonly for seizures.

It can also prevent trauma to the brain and supposedly helps with lungs. The biggest reason people oppose it is because, well, it's marijuana and can create permanent adverse changes in the brain. I definitely understand why people hate it for that reason, especially since it has ruined so many people's lives. However, the only reason marijuana has a lasting negative affect is because it has been devastatingly overused. If people used it in prescribed amounts, it would be just like taking any other medication.

People who oppose the idea of prescribing marijuana should seriously consider opening their minds a little and try to see things from the other side. I understand their viewpoint, but if they knew how beneficial marijuana can be, I think more people would be supportive of the idea. However, a lot of people are firm about their opinions, so it would take a lot of convincing to get them to see it the other way.

As I mentioned before, legalizing weed makes it easier for people to abuse it. It could get to the point where anyone can walk into pharmacies and buy weed to get high. However, I don't think we should let that possibility stop us from legalizing one of the most therapeutic forms of medication. If we have to, then the government should make it harder to get away with misusing marijuana.

If marijuana gets legalized, there is a slim possibility that it could become easier for drug addicts to get their hands on it. However, I believe that if they are only given the portion needed, things shouldn't get too out of control. Also, doctors most likely would not prescribe it to patients with a history of drug abuse. If we were to set the right rules and regulations, we wouldn't need to worry about it falling into the wrong hands.

Some people absolutely need it. A lot of people with cancer and other terrible diseases suffer from severe pain, and as I mentioned before, marijuana is extremely relieving and therapeutic. Even terminal patients should have access to it; that way their final days won't have to be hurting and miserable.

One major part that I think would be extremely beneficial is that it would make our country seem like a better place. By legalizing marijuana, America would be a place where people have less issues caused by aches and pains, and hopefully most people will be able to afford it. Since it provides relaxation from depression, it might even help our society to take mental illness more seriously.

Marijuana treats many medical disorders and issues. It would make a major improvement in healthcare and I believe it would make America a better place. If it gets legalized, it will make a significant impact on countless lives.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Opinions Writing Preview Activity

1) Apple refuses to violate privacy of users
   1. The story was written by Editorial.
   2. The FBI is trying to get Apple to make a software that will allow them to see everything on     someone's phone. Apple refuses to violate their consumers's privacy so the FBI must come up with another way to find evidence.
   3. "Here, the risk isn't worth the potential consequences, which would be much worse for the country and all iPhone users."
   4. Yes, he gives an alternative for the FBI.
   5. No they were not wishy washy. He stated the facts and gave her/his opinion on why the FBI is wrong for doing this. S/he did not give any additional information that contradicted their opinion.
   6. There are no quotes in the story.
   7. The story was written in third person.

2) Drug dog investigations have students feeling as though their rights are being violated at school
   1. The story was written by Granger Coats.
   2. This story talks about how some schools use unfair punishments and how unnecessary it is for police officers to be at a school.
   3. "However, the current rules and handling of student offenses is flawed. It can easily set students in need of support further off track. Ultimately, it creates a sense of fear and hostility amongst teenagers."
   4. Coats never explained how the police or AISD would see why these codes of conduct are necessary for the student's safety.
   5. No, the point of the story stayed the same all throughout.
   6. There was one quote from the AISD code of conduct explaining how the use of drugs is a felony.
   7. The story is written in first person.

3) Beyonce causes controversy

    1. The story was written by Fuaad Ajaz.

    2. Ajaz writes about how Beyonce's recent music video, "Formation", and her performance during the Super Bowl halftime in which she tackles topics like police brutality and modern-day discrimination against minority groups has created controversy and outrage among some americans.

    3. The writer believes that Beyonce is doing the right thing and that americans should not be outraged at Beyonce for expressing her opinion about topics that are serious and that she is entitled to discuss.

"But, for some reason, there was a noisy backlash against her expression of opinion. Apparently when someone points out that something unfair is happening to a to a minority group, and that person happens to be a popular black female artist, critics yelp when that someone states the obvious. Why?"

    4. The author very briefly mentions what the other side of the controversy thought, but he barely regards them and drives the story with his opinion of the controversy.

    5. No, he was not wishy-washy about his opinion and he held onto it firmly.

    6. There are quotes included from lyrics from Beyonce's song, "Formation".

    7. The story is written in 3rd person.

4) Is the AP world history test worth it?

    1. The story was written by Mia Barbosa.

    2. The story is about the AP world history test, and how it can benefit the student to take it in high school.

    3. "I think that the test is a great way for students to get ahead in the competitive race for college."

    4. Yes, they adressed the other side frequently.

    5. No, she did a good job of backing up her reasons of why it was worth it, and even when she brought up the other sides opinion, she still provided reasoning as to why it wasn't enough to not take the test.

    6. No, I would not say she was wishy-washy.

    7. The story was written in first person.

5) Social media, back at it again (with the white vans.)

    1. The story is written by Alicia Molina.

    2. The story is about how annoying the "Damn Daniel" thing is to her, and how great the Josh and Daniel guys are for donating to charities.

    3. "I thought that the video was funny but after a while it was starting to get annoying." "...we need more people like Daniel and Josh who use their fame for good."

    4. Yes, she explained how many people, including herself, thought the video was annoying.

    5. It was a bit off track at times. It kind of jumped from Daniel and Josh being annoying to Daniel and Josh being generous, good guys.

    6. There were many quotes of just "Damn Daniel", but that was it.

    7. The story is written in first person.

A. The difference between a hard news story and an opinions piece is that a hard news has quotes from certain people who are important to that story, an opinion piece is centered around the author's opinion, whereas a hard news story is on an event.

B. I think there aren't very many photos on this page because there aren't really any hard new stories, just opinions, and photos can't really capture someone's opinion.

C. I think it would be good to write an opinion piece on topics like how marijuana should be legalized.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Student of the Month

This is an interview with the person who was awarded the title "Student of the Month" "I couldn't believe it; I'd never imagined I would win something like that." said the student after being asked how she felt about being student of the month. Next, I asked what class she does best in. "I do my best in English; I've always been amazing at grammar and spelling."
"Do your best to keep up and strive to be the best you can be." She said. She was asked what advice she would give to students who aren't doing well in school. When asked about her study methods, she answered, "Flash cards, practice quizzes, anything that can get the information embedded in my brain." When asked about what accomplishment she's the most proud of, she stated, "I do very well on my English and World History tests."

Student of the Month Interview

1. What is your name? 
Lauren Duran.
2. Do you feel like you earned student of the month? Why?
No, I feel like some more hard-working people deserved it, but I'm glad I won anyway.

3. How did you become student of the month?
By keeping track of my homework and watching my grades carefully.

4. When you won, what went through your mind? 
I couldn't believe it; I'd never imagined I would win something like that.

5. How do you feel about winning student of the month?
I feel elated, and I'm very happy that I won.

6. What class do you do best in?
I do my best in English; I've always been amazing at grammar and spelling. 

7. What class do you do the worst in?
Definitely IPC.

8. If you could choose one thing to be better at, what would it be?
Remembering things better.

9. What kind of tips would you give to other students who aren't doing well in school to do better?
Do your best to keep up and strive to be the best you can be.

10. How much time do you spend studying?
I usually study for 45 minutes, take a break and study some more.

11. What are your methods for studying?
Flash cards, practice quizzes, anything that can get the information embedded in my brain.

12. On a basic average, how are your grades in school?
They're okay.

13. What's one accomplishment in school that you're proud of?
I do very well on my English and World History tests.

14. Do you see yourself as a leader or a follower and why?
I am usually more of a follower but I can be a leader sometimes.

15. Are you going to continue to work hard after this month, even knowing you can't get "student of the month" again this year?
Yes. It is important to work hard.

16. What are the perks of being student of the month?
I get a lot of recognition.

17. Does being student of the month change your point of view on school?
I suppose; it feels very encouraging.

18. What electives do you take?
Spanish 11, Sculpting, Photojournalism and Technical Theater.

19. What extracurricular activities do you do outside of school?
Tae Kwon Do.

20. What core classes do you take?
English, Math Models, IPC and World History.

Portfolio Analysis


a. Dustin Snipes

b. General focus of portfolio is sports and competitions.

c. . Some photos don't fit in with the rest of the portfolio.
    . The captions do not fully explain "why".
    . Some parts of certain photos are out of focus.

d. They like that Dustin often tries something different and that he has very good lighting.

e. I like his composition but I do not like how inconsistent his portfolio is.

a. He has great lighting and his photos have some humor in them.

b. He has fantastic composition but some parts of his photos are out of focus.

a. He certainly has the best lighting, composition and humor out of all the contestants. I can definitely see why the judges chose him to be the winner.


a. Alyssa Shukar

b. General focus of portfolio is stories and sports.

c. . It is not easy to identify what is happening in the photo without reading the caption.
    . There are some issues with lighting.
    . Some of the cropping does not feel right.

d. The judges like Alyssa's ability to capture "nice moments" and some of her photos tell great stories.

e. I really like this contestant; her images are intriguing and taken at just the right moment.

a. They noted that she has good composition and a creative viewpoint.

b. Her photos themselves are strong but it is tough to figure out what is going on in them, and sometimes the captions are insufficient


a. Josh Birnbaum

b. sports

c. . Portfolio is a bit inconsistent
    . Some captions have words that not everyone understands.
    . Some of his photos are of the same thing.

d. The judges like the action in his photos and his composition

e. I like this photographer but I don't like how some photos are of the same thing

a. He has good composition and creativity.

b. His images have a lot going on in them but he tends to repeat himself.

Part 2

1. The photo that I agree with the judges on is the tennis photo from part 2 of the person cheering. I liked this image because it was cropped nicely and it tells a story, and so did the judges.

2. One photo that I do not agree with the judges on is the goose photo from parts 5 and 6, which they liked. I disagree with the judges on this one because I think there were other photos in that category that deserved first place.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Car Raid Preview

1. Preferably someone within my family.

2. Most likely over the weekend when I have the most time.

3. 1) What do you have in your car?

    2) How well kept is your car?

    3) What would you say your car says about yourself?

    4) Do you like your car?

4. Details on what is inside their car and what it says about the kind of person they are.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Merger Photo

1. Having that tree in the photo is definitely an issue because it can be swayed by the wind, which would create unwanted movement in the photo.

2. Somewhere with little nature and no other people, so a better merger can be taken. For instance, the tennis courts in the front of the school would work well.

3. It could include more poses, each different than the others.

4. I could add another layer of clothing in each photo, like a jacket, hat, and scarf.

HDR Images

Best HDR Photo:


1. My favorite photo is the one of the snow-covered mountain top.

2. It seems hard to believe, since phone cameras are known for having rather low quality. Some of them look too good to be taken by a phone.

3. The editing apps used adjusted the lighting to make it more high definition. Photoshop obviously played a big part.

4. 1. Use plenty of editing apps to increase the quality.

    2. Have a phone with a decent camera.