Sunday, May 15, 2016

Student of the Month Interview

1. What is your name? 
Lauren Duran.
2. Do you feel like you earned student of the month? Why?
No, I feel like some more hard-working people deserved it, but I'm glad I won anyway.

3. How did you become student of the month?
By keeping track of my homework and watching my grades carefully.

4. When you won, what went through your mind? 
I couldn't believe it; I'd never imagined I would win something like that.

5. How do you feel about winning student of the month?
I feel elated, and I'm very happy that I won.

6. What class do you do best in?
I do my best in English; I've always been amazing at grammar and spelling. 

7. What class do you do the worst in?
Definitely IPC.

8. If you could choose one thing to be better at, what would it be?
Remembering things better.

9. What kind of tips would you give to other students who aren't doing well in school to do better?
Do your best to keep up and strive to be the best you can be.

10. How much time do you spend studying?
I usually study for 45 minutes, take a break and study some more.

11. What are your methods for studying?
Flash cards, practice quizzes, anything that can get the information embedded in my brain.

12. On a basic average, how are your grades in school?
They're okay.

13. What's one accomplishment in school that you're proud of?
I do very well on my English and World History tests.

14. Do you see yourself as a leader or a follower and why?
I am usually more of a follower but I can be a leader sometimes.

15. Are you going to continue to work hard after this month, even knowing you can't get "student of the month" again this year?
Yes. It is important to work hard.

16. What are the perks of being student of the month?
I get a lot of recognition.

17. Does being student of the month change your point of view on school?
I suppose; it feels very encouraging.

18. What electives do you take?
Spanish 11, Sculpting, Photojournalism and Technical Theater.

19. What extracurricular activities do you do outside of school?
Tae Kwon Do.

20. What core classes do you take?
English, Math Models, IPC and World History.

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