Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Opinions Writing Preview Activity

1) Apple refuses to violate privacy of users
   1. The story was written by Editorial.
   2. The FBI is trying to get Apple to make a software that will allow them to see everything on     someone's phone. Apple refuses to violate their consumers's privacy so the FBI must come up with another way to find evidence.
   3. "Here, the risk isn't worth the potential consequences, which would be much worse for the country and all iPhone users."
   4. Yes, he gives an alternative for the FBI.
   5. No they were not wishy washy. He stated the facts and gave her/his opinion on why the FBI is wrong for doing this. S/he did not give any additional information that contradicted their opinion.
   6. There are no quotes in the story.
   7. The story was written in third person.

2) Drug dog investigations have students feeling as though their rights are being violated at school
   1. The story was written by Granger Coats.
   2. This story talks about how some schools use unfair punishments and how unnecessary it is for police officers to be at a school.
   3. "However, the current rules and handling of student offenses is flawed. It can easily set students in need of support further off track. Ultimately, it creates a sense of fear and hostility amongst teenagers."
   4. Coats never explained how the police or AISD would see why these codes of conduct are necessary for the student's safety.
   5. No, the point of the story stayed the same all throughout.
   6. There was one quote from the AISD code of conduct explaining how the use of drugs is a felony.
   7. The story is written in first person.

3) Beyonce causes controversy

    1. The story was written by Fuaad Ajaz.

    2. Ajaz writes about how Beyonce's recent music video, "Formation", and her performance during the Super Bowl halftime in which she tackles topics like police brutality and modern-day discrimination against minority groups has created controversy and outrage among some americans.

    3. The writer believes that Beyonce is doing the right thing and that americans should not be outraged at Beyonce for expressing her opinion about topics that are serious and that she is entitled to discuss.

"But, for some reason, there was a noisy backlash against her expression of opinion. Apparently when someone points out that something unfair is happening to a to a minority group, and that person happens to be a popular black female artist, critics yelp when that someone states the obvious. Why?"

    4. The author very briefly mentions what the other side of the controversy thought, but he barely regards them and drives the story with his opinion of the controversy.

    5. No, he was not wishy-washy about his opinion and he held onto it firmly.

    6. There are quotes included from lyrics from Beyonce's song, "Formation".

    7. The story is written in 3rd person.

4) Is the AP world history test worth it?

    1. The story was written by Mia Barbosa.

    2. The story is about the AP world history test, and how it can benefit the student to take it in high school.

    3. "I think that the test is a great way for students to get ahead in the competitive race for college."

    4. Yes, they adressed the other side frequently.

    5. No, she did a good job of backing up her reasons of why it was worth it, and even when she brought up the other sides opinion, she still provided reasoning as to why it wasn't enough to not take the test.

    6. No, I would not say she was wishy-washy.

    7. The story was written in first person.

5) Social media, back at it again (with the white vans.)

    1. The story is written by Alicia Molina.

    2. The story is about how annoying the "Damn Daniel" thing is to her, and how great the Josh and Daniel guys are for donating to charities.

    3. "I thought that the video was funny but after a while it was starting to get annoying." "...we need more people like Daniel and Josh who use their fame for good."

    4. Yes, she explained how many people, including herself, thought the video was annoying.

    5. It was a bit off track at times. It kind of jumped from Daniel and Josh being annoying to Daniel and Josh being generous, good guys.

    6. There were many quotes of just "Damn Daniel", but that was it.

    7. The story is written in first person.

A. The difference between a hard news story and an opinions piece is that a hard news has quotes from certain people who are important to that story, an opinion piece is centered around the author's opinion, whereas a hard news story is on an event.

B. I think there aren't very many photos on this page because there aren't really any hard new stories, just opinions, and photos can't really capture someone's opinion.

C. I think it would be good to write an opinion piece on topics like how marijuana should be legalized.

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