Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Opinions Story

I think that marijuana should be legalized. Not for getting high of course, but for medical purposes that can be extremely beneficial to people's lives. Legalizing it would make it slightly easier for people to use it incorrectly. However, I think it would be a great improvement in medicine.

Marijuana is very useful for relieving aches, pains, nausea, and even depression. A lot of states have already said that they would like to use this for people who have Cancer or Glaucoma, who suffer from nerve pain and headaches. It is already used most commonly for seizures.

It can also prevent trauma to the brain and supposedly helps with lungs. The biggest reason people oppose it is because, well, it's marijuana and can create permanent adverse changes in the brain. I definitely understand why people hate it for that reason, especially since it has ruined so many people's lives. However, the only reason marijuana has a lasting negative affect is because it has been devastatingly overused. If people used it in prescribed amounts, it would be just like taking any other medication.

People who oppose the idea of prescribing marijuana should seriously consider opening their minds a little and try to see things from the other side. I understand their viewpoint, but if they knew how beneficial marijuana can be, I think more people would be supportive of the idea. However, a lot of people are firm about their opinions, so it would take a lot of convincing to get them to see it the other way.

As I mentioned before, legalizing weed makes it easier for people to abuse it. It could get to the point where anyone can walk into pharmacies and buy weed to get high. However, I don't think we should let that possibility stop us from legalizing one of the most therapeutic forms of medication. If we have to, then the government should make it harder to get away with misusing marijuana.

If marijuana gets legalized, there is a slim possibility that it could become easier for drug addicts to get their hands on it. However, I believe that if they are only given the portion needed, things shouldn't get too out of control. Also, doctors most likely would not prescribe it to patients with a history of drug abuse. If we were to set the right rules and regulations, we wouldn't need to worry about it falling into the wrong hands.

Some people absolutely need it. A lot of people with cancer and other terrible diseases suffer from severe pain, and as I mentioned before, marijuana is extremely relieving and therapeutic. Even terminal patients should have access to it; that way their final days won't have to be hurting and miserable.

One major part that I think would be extremely beneficial is that it would make our country seem like a better place. By legalizing marijuana, America would be a place where people have less issues caused by aches and pains, and hopefully most people will be able to afford it. Since it provides relaxation from depression, it might even help our society to take mental illness more seriously.

Marijuana treats many medical disorders and issues. It would make a major improvement in healthcare and I believe it would make America a better place. If it gets legalized, it will make a significant impact on countless lives.

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