Sunday, May 15, 2016

Portfolio Analysis


a. Dustin Snipes

b. General focus of portfolio is sports and competitions.

c. . Some photos don't fit in with the rest of the portfolio.
    . The captions do not fully explain "why".
    . Some parts of certain photos are out of focus.

d. They like that Dustin often tries something different and that he has very good lighting.

e. I like his composition but I do not like how inconsistent his portfolio is.

a. He has great lighting and his photos have some humor in them.

b. He has fantastic composition but some parts of his photos are out of focus.

a. He certainly has the best lighting, composition and humor out of all the contestants. I can definitely see why the judges chose him to be the winner.


a. Alyssa Shukar

b. General focus of portfolio is stories and sports.

c. . It is not easy to identify what is happening in the photo without reading the caption.
    . There are some issues with lighting.
    . Some of the cropping does not feel right.

d. The judges like Alyssa's ability to capture "nice moments" and some of her photos tell great stories.

e. I really like this contestant; her images are intriguing and taken at just the right moment.

a. They noted that she has good composition and a creative viewpoint.

b. Her photos themselves are strong but it is tough to figure out what is going on in them, and sometimes the captions are insufficient


a. Josh Birnbaum

b. sports

c. . Portfolio is a bit inconsistent
    . Some captions have words that not everyone understands.
    . Some of his photos are of the same thing.

d. The judges like the action in his photos and his composition

e. I like this photographer but I don't like how some photos are of the same thing

a. He has good composition and creativity.

b. His images have a lot going on in them but he tends to repeat himself.

Part 2

1. The photo that I agree with the judges on is the tennis photo from part 2 of the person cheering. I liked this image because it was cropped nicely and it tells a story, and so did the judges.

2. One photo that I do not agree with the judges on is the goose photo from parts 5 and 6, which they liked. I disagree with the judges on this one because I think there were other photos in that category that deserved first place.

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